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MA in English Language and Literature

MA Introduction

Jan 18, 2024 SFS Clicks:


MA in English Language and Literature



Started in 2005, the MA Program of English Language and Literature is a diploma-and-degree program offered to those presently engaged in (or planning to) in language-related professions or careers. With a strong faculty team and well-rounded curriculum, it combines practical training, theoretical inquiry and interdisciplinary investigations to prepare students for their personal and professional goals.


Research Areas

Ÿ   Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, featuring cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language teaching

Ÿ   Translation Studies, featuring translation theory and practice, studies on translation of Chinese classics and translation for international communication

Ÿ   Literary Studies, featuring literary and cultural criticism, studies on writers and works of modern British and American literature


Course Structure

Ÿ   General Courses (compulsory): Second Foreign Language (Japanese, German or French); Marxist Philosophy; and Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Ÿ   Degree Courses (compulsory): Introduction to English Literature Studies; Research Methodology; Cognitive Linguistics; Introducing Translation Studies; Advanced Translation; and Frontiers in Studies on English Language and Literature

Ÿ   Practical Courses (compulsory): Teaching Practice and Academic Reports

Ÿ   Optional Courses (Students must choose 3 out of 6 of these courses): Studies of Translation Criticism; Studies on Translation for International Communication; Second Language Acquisition; Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Teaching; Literary Schools and Classic Writers in British and American Literature; and Literary and Cultural Criticism




Full-Time: Normally 3 years (min. 2 years; max. 3.5 years)


Total Credits

Minimum 28 credits, including at least 22 credits from compulsory courses and 6 credits from optional courses
